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Effects Bakery Choco Cornet EQ

Effects Bakery Choco Cornet EQ

Regular price $52.99 USD
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Sometimes you want to slice and dice your tasty tones, and Effects Bakery has rolled another winner with the Choco Cornet EQ (equalizer) pedal. While the tone control on your guitar or bass can be very powerful, a graphic equalizer cuts your big fat sound into manageable slices, referred to as “bands”.

Each of these five sliders controls frequencies (from low to high) centered at 100hz, 250hz, 630hz, 1.6khz, and 4khz. Each of these controls can either be “flat” I the middle – or they can BOOST or CUT your tone with precision! Want your Les Paul to sound more like a Tele? Cut some mids and add some highs.

The Choco Cornet EQ pedal from Effects Bakery also features a separate volume and master volume control – this allows you to experiment with boosting or cutting your tones while maintaining a consistent output volume.

Sculpt yourself a tonal delight with the EB Choco Cornet!

Size: 47 W x 94 D x 49 H mm (including projections)
Weight: 161g